Prestashop Connector Standard Features
Elija que productos quiere sincronizar con su tienda online Prestashop desde su ERP.
Stock sync
Stock integration from a single or multiple warehouse between your company ERP system and Prestashop
Product Prices sync
Prestashop Connector can integrate an standard product price, or a specific price fare from your company ERP sysmtem.
Download Orders and Customers
Donwload automatically the e-shop orders and clients directly to your ERP system.
Names and Descriptions
Sync your product names and decriptions from your ERP and Prestashop. Ean, Weight and other data and measures can be also integrated
Manufacturar Integration
Integrate your product brands and manufacturers from your erp system to the Prestashop e-shop.
B2B ERP Integration Features
Product Sales Price – B2B
Sales Prices per customer integration for B2B e-shop models between ERP system and Prestashop
Customers B2B Integration
Sync your ERP customer database to your e-shop Prestashop in order to convert your Prestashop in a solid B2B e-commerce platform
Prices and discounts – B2B
Integrate each customer business rule based on price per product and make your company Prestashop a 24×7 non stop e-shop for your B2B customers
Advanced features ERP Prestashop Integration
Size and Colors
Size and colors integration between ERP and Prestashop as attributes and combinations prestashop model
Advanced Category Module
Module to expand the category hierarchies and products – categories asoziation increasing some ERP category – product structure, like unlimited hierarchies levels or multiple product – categories mappings.
SEO Meta elements
SEO meta elements can be created and customizated from Prestashop connector, like links, meta titles or meta descriptions
Attributes & Combinatios
Integration of any kind of attribute and combination data between the company ERP and prestashop.
Product Imagen Integration
Integration of 1 or several product Imagen stored in the ERP with the online Prestashop e-commerce
Attached document or PDF
Integration of any kind of attached PDF or document between ERP and the e-commerce Prestashop
Prestashop Multishop Integration
Prestashop Multishop integration and control between ERP and Prestashop, providing of stock, different prices stock management between the ERP and your company Prestashop multishop solution.
Sales and discounts
Sync and integration your e-commerce Discounts, sales and offers from your ERP to Prestashop.
Personalization and Customization of any data stored in your erp to be integrated with your company e-commerce like accesories, bundels, building of matherials etc…
Integration Processes
Know how Prestashop Connector connects an ERP with Prestashop
Prestashop Connector connects data automatically.
Prestashop Connector also offer almost online full data synchronization, but this feature is based on some ERPs (like navision or Sage 200c) where connector can get changed data based on the e-commerce timestamp.
This feature affects every data excep B2B customer special prices, which requires some extra validations which Prestashop MySql database can’t perform.
Stock Synchronization
Stock synchronization can be run in intervals of 5 minutes, so the stock will be connected almost in real time.
Orders and Customers Download
The orders of the e-commerce can be synced in intervals of 5 minutes in another different process than the stock.
Full data Synchronizationa
Integrates all configured data from the ERP to the online shop., including images and files will get integrated connected and synced with this feature.
Its intervals are more spared than the others, and can be configured to be synced automatically every hour, every 6 hours or once a day, where you can configure which exact hour of the day, you want to be synced.